The online career change course


A proven method to choosing a career that’s right for you - launching soon

If one-to one coaching isn’t for you right now, this self-paced online course with recorded sessions & activities (based on a researched framework) is for you.


number 1


Reflect on past decisions, achievements and influences and reconnect with who you truly are. 

This stage is a thorough exploration of who you are, the aim of which is to identify what you need from a career in order to be satisfied.

number 2


Take what you know about yourself and create a bank of career ideas of what could be possible for you, what you want in your life, and how much of it you want. 

You will then narrow the options down using a researched method. The aim is to create your ideal week and have clarity over what you want.

number 3


Once you’ve identified what you want, we bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, by creating an action plan and identifying key steps you will need to take.

You will assess your accountability style so that you create a plan that works for you.

Ready to take the first step toward a career you love?

This online course will launch in 2024, be the first to gain access by joining the waitlist below.


This course is for you if you want to consider new careers, but one or more of the following applies: 

  • you can’t choose between different career ideas you have (there are so many); 

  • you struggle to come up with career ideas in the first place and you don’t know what exists; 

  • you’re concerned that the career you choose may lead to the same dissatisfaction you have now in a year’s time;  

  • you don’t understand why a career you once loved, you are great at and matches your skill-set and interests is no longer enjoyable; or 

  • you want to understand yourself better but one to one coaching isn’t right for you at this time.

brand pattern

“Not only have I decided what I want to do, I also understand myself more clearly & at a much deeper level”

Male, Corporate Sales

On average we spend 90,000 hours of our life at work.

brand pattern

Don’t settle.

brand pattern

Spend those hours doing something that brings you JOY.

brand pattern
Rachel Grace Elliott Career Change Coach


This course is designed to give you a clear understanding of what you as a unique individual need in a career or business instead of pursuing something impulsively or wasting time career hopping without careful consideration.

You will be taught how to generate many career ideas and then how to discern between them against your unique personality. Finally, you will be shown how to make a strategy plan for getting to where you want to go.

Example modules you’ll work through:

  • Understanding your past (Influences, key life moments & patterns) and audit of your current role 

    Natural Strengths, core skill-set & values

    Your Core Motivators (intrinsic and extrinsic) 

    Personality type 

    Knowledge, passions and interests 

    Patterns and saboteurs 

    Limiting beliefs and assumptions 

    Self-employment or employment

  • Create your ideas bank (including where to search for jobs that exist, how to think creatively about emerging jobs and actual job ideas across different categories including jobs you might not have heard of) 

    Creating themes 

    Top 3 possibilities (including how to find out more about key roles) 

    Shift projects - engaging in the world 

    Clarifying your final vision and goals

  • Bridge the gap - skills, steps and qualifications

    Setting goals

    Understanding your accountability type

    Potential barriers, resources and support

This online course is designed to work flexibly around your life, so what’s stopping you?

Rachel Grace Elliott career change

Having left her career as a family law solicitor, Rachel understands the challenges of leaving behind a successful career.

Intrigued by many potential paths, Rachel learnt that just because you can turn your hand to many careers, it doesn’t mean that they’re all the right path for you. There is a framework to help guide you.

Rachel has used her knowledge
as a Certified Professional Coach and Licensed Specialist Career Change Coach (as well as her own experience), to craft this online course. She feels passionate that everyone should be able to access guidance and find a career that brings them joy, even if they don’t have the time, or budget to invest in one-to-one coaching.


  • Yes, so you can come back to it time and time again.

  • This will be updated when the course is launched.

  • It is a series of pre-recorded video sessions with actionable steps and downloadable activities for you to coach yourself through the process.

  • You can contact Rachel's team for any tech questions you have, but for one to one support on choosing your career, please book coaching with Rachel or apply to work with an Associate Coach.

Tempted by one-to-one coaching or Rachel’s online career change course? Take a look at how you can work with Rachel.